the recipe for controlling your energy. – Part 2

My beautiful spiritual soul sister. Every woman is different and for some time now I’ve been trying out how to control my energy, and so I’ve made the answer into a recipe. Here it is below! And I won’t lie, before this I thought control wasn’t a feminine thing…

My grandmother’s special cornbread recipe, collard greens with love, soul, and spices. Fried chicken that has been seasoned for a couple of days, my mom cooking me one of her fabulous home cooked meals, my homemade potato salad that makes my soul sing and my favorite meal of chicken wings, mandarin organs, and my Grandma’s freshly made homemade biscuits.

Creamy ice cream and warm homemade apple pie. Welcome to the secret that’s inside of our bodies, your body itself is more heavenly and irresistible than angel food cake. Your body is a dessert made with love. We are all our own apple pie recipe – one that tastes both sensual, sexy, and delicious with a sweet dash of whipped cream on top.

Think of eating homemade apple pie and in order to be able to get to the filling (the good stuff) you have to bite through the whipped cream topping that makes the top of the pie. The secret apple recipe below has been written and documented with love:

Ingredients for the whipped cream crust:

1. Positive. (expands the pie crust).

2. Soft (in terms of femininity, this opens the pie crust up so you can get to the filling.)

3. Grateful (the bottom of your pie crust, positive and soft are the top).

Imagine opening up a present. Think of positive, softness, and gratefulness as the wrapping paper. You have to open the unwrap the gift in order get to the present. You can’t access the filling without first accessing the whipped cream (positive, soft, grateful) if your not in these states the present won’t open.

And once your present is unwrapped you can get to the “good” stuff, the three keys to controlling your energy (aka – back to the pie analogy here, the “filling” inside the pie).

Ingredients for the filling:

– Gentle. (Step # 1 is gentle. This isn’t an action but an execution of making the most gentle decision for your energy and body).

-Soft (the softness inside the filling means to treat your energy and body as soft as you can. ).

– Fit it all in, it all of your frequency in your body. (Fitting it all in is an action. For me I usually use belly dancing (when I’m not tired) or yoga (when I am) to fit my frequency all in my body. The primary method though is my breath however I often also do this through belly dancing or when I’m too tired to belly dance, yoga.

Once you use all these ingredients together you transform from apple pie to angel food cake. Your body is decadent, delicious, homemade and sweet.

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