How to Heal your womb by the new year.

Imagine carrying a suitcase with you throughout the year. Every time something happens to you, you put the feeling of that thing in your suitcase.

  Break up? Goes in the suitcase.

Stressed over finances? Goes in the suitcase. Feeling bad about yourself and your body? Goes in the suitcase.

A blow through with a friend? Goes in the suitcase.

A difficult conversation with a family member? Goes in the suitcase.

At the end of the year the feeling of everything that you went through before is piled up inside your suitcase. And to take the metaphor further it’s piled up like dirty clothes.

Gorgeous, how would you feel before 2025 taking some time to clean out that suitcase? So this way when you open up your suitcase on January 1st it’s completely empty of any of the dirty unfolded clothes from the previous year. Not to be filled with new trauma but to be filled with the most beautiful dresses of hope, femininity, and self love.

Womb healing isn’t always the most fun to do however it’s the most healing and in certain respects it gets easier over time.

Another benefit is that womb healing makes your body lighter.

Womb healing isn’t about erasing the past but listening in to your body and saying, “Hey I know that ‘such and such’ happened about 7 months ago however I never checked in with you about how that felt for you. I have some time, just me and you – I can’t change what happen but I can sit with you just as you were with me back then.”

See Beautiful, the thing is. Our body isn’t actually a suitcase. She’s a person. And the same thing goes for our womb (which I like to refer to as our velvet space). What if, hypothetically speaking everything we’ve been through is carried in our wombs. Is our womb full of sparkling crystals of beauty? Or cut and scarred by life. Our wombs are able to heal and renew herself, and yes because she’s human after healing herself they’ll still be times where she’s hurt because she’s alive these things will happen. However often as women we’ve been taught to live disconnected from our wombs when the reality is that our womb itself is able to effortlessly guide us through life.

She talks to us in pictures, in feelings, and in essences at times when you really tune in. Perhaps you’ve faced a moment like me where you’ve been through something and thought to yourself, “I should have listened to your gut.” And that is your gut being able to speak to you in-spite of being a suitcase filled to the brim from everything from the previous years before.

Are you ready Gorgeous? Are you ready to lighten your body?

Are you ready to feel your shoulders fall back as they release the stress?

Are you ready to feel hope again and feel effortlessly guided through life by your body?

The process is difficult, I’m not going to lie however it’s not as difficult as a physics problem. It simply takes the discipline and the self love to do it. Here are the directions, are you ready? Okay great! Let’s pop open the lid to your suitcase!

Focus on one event that happened this year – perhaps pick something small, just to practice. Now ask yourself and your body the following questions and listen deeply to your body as she responds:

  • If this event was an outfit what would it look like?
  • How did this event actually feel? (This even can be a difficult conversation with a loved one, it can a huge personal mistake that no one saw but that has always been on your mind, it can be a huge blunder at work which everyone saw?)
  • Really sit with that feeling. A tip that I once was given to me by Sacred Sensuality coach Kara Singson is to set a timer for 5 minutes and sit with that feeling.
  • Sit with it and feel it deeper and deeper. Feeling this feeling as deep as you can “feels” it’s with through the outfit.
  • Take a deep breath.
  • And watch the outfit slip off and enjoy all the untouched lace that is underneath.
  • That’s it!

Your body is lingerie and everything that you’ve been through is just an outfit on your body. It has no more power than that.

If you don’t like an outfit you change it, and you change it by feeling it.

Now that you’ve beautifully completed that task are you ready to tackle one of the harder events that you went through in 2024 and process those too?

This is your life and this is your body, you deserve to go through life feeling like your body is at her lightest and freest version of herself that both she and you have ever been as you enter the New Year! 

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