champagne sized goals.

I have a quote that I created a few years that goes, “Make life Sparkle. Sip it like champagne and sip it now.” And I try to apply, even to the hard not sparkly moments in life because sometimes adding a bit more “sparkle” to even the hard moments can make them just a tiny bit easier. And a few years ago in order to fight depression (and procrastination) I came up with something that I refer to as the “Pink Diamonds & Champagne method.” The method is simple. Two champagne flutes from the Dollar Tree and a small bag of pale pink stones (aka my “Pink diamonds” ) from Walmart, hehe. I love to romantcize trauma and so I was searching for a fun, sexy way to get up in the morning vs. laying in my bed sobbing and for me, action in terms of execution has always been the solution.

To do lists are sexy however I often am lost in them so instead of making a list of things that I would feel accomplished when I was done with them I flipped it and did it the other way around.

My champagne flutes were set up on my bedside table and every morning I would start with the left flute full of pink “diamonds.” As I accomplished my simple everyday get morning routine I switch one diamond from the glass on the left to the glass on the right.

Get up- a diamond.

Take a shower – a diamond.

Put on gorgeous matching lingerie – two diamonds! One for the bra, the other for the panty.

Put lipstick on? Diamond.

Lotion my body with coconut oil? Diamond.

Spray on perfume? Diamond.

Eyeliner? Two diamonds, one for each eye – after all being able to apply winged eyeliner in a way that both of the wings match is no small feat!

I kept my goals simple. Nothing earth shattering but slowly, diamond after pink diamond these cute little 97 cents “diamonds” from Walmart and a pair $1 champagne flutes completely changed my mental state.

Sometimes taking care of our mindset is pushing ourselves, other times it is celebrating every single achievement and putting the tiniest acts of kindness to ourselves on top!

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