7 Beach picnics for your soul.

This blog is called Underneath Your Lingerie. Underneath your dreams is your spirit. Underneath your lingerie is your passion for life. Underneath your lingerie is a woman who spent the entire day on the beach. I love to refresh and renew my soul with pouring into myself with inspiration and below are 7 picnic beaches that will make every woman feel more feminine in her skin.

#1. Hanging roses on the beach.


#2. Who say’s you can’t have  city beach picnic?


#3: The Dreamiest Situation.


#4. Beautiful picnic basket full of flowers & heart shaped pizzas (because everythings better in the shape of love).


#5. Perfectly Pink Picnic.


#6. Food Galore.


#7. Paradise Dreams.

Source. Picnic beaches make me feel romantic. More free, at ease and more connected to my femininity. Being able to view these picnics is the first step to manifestation.  The second step is to create a private picnic of your own. Find a private spot (it doesn’t have to be at the beach) , purchase a cute picnic basket from Amazon, perhaps this one here? Source. And whisk yourself away for a day at the beach. The beach can be a pond, it can be a park, or it can even be in your backyard. The more that you as a woman pour into your essence the more it will turn into lingerie. Why not curate and make yourself as a woman a lingerie set that feels soft, feminine, and refreshed like the ocean within her body? Comment below and share your own personal picnic journeys and if your feeling inspired by this blog post subscribe to our email list to receive the free 90 day transformation planner for making your body feel like a lingerie set. Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day!

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