Click here to download the Underneath Your Lingerie PMS Guide

Click here to download the Underneath Your Lingerie PMS Guide
On the second page, for each month I put a space to put any body notes that I notice for my cycle that month. And depending on the changes it can vary between being something very spiritual to something incredibly physical. One thing that I’ve noticed is how I eat throughout the month often reflects on the level of my cramps. Disclaimer here, even though I have a degree in Exercise Science I’m not a nutritionist, just a woman sharing her own personal journey and I’ve found that keeping up with my vitamins – which include a multivitamin, omega-3, and Vitamin D along with eating fish has greatly improved my “dying time” ratio during that time of the month (didn’t have a better word for it then what it is for me!) When it comes to working out I selected 1 exercise that I do on pms days (for me it’s a glute exercise that involves laying on my side, knees bent at a 45 degree angle and lifting my knee and then my ankle for 2 minutes on each side, while using my trademark of saying the word “goddess” which – because a woman’s anatomy is different than a man’s anatomy helps me to access that special g-spot energy which is 1000x more potent then beast mode will ever be. I also customize my diet. Off cycle I live by my trademark Wineglass diet, a highly carnivore diet which consists of wineglass portions of protein and champagne flute portions of anything outside of meat. However while I’m on my cycle, personally for my body breaking down heavy meats is the last thing that she needs. And so I keep it light, having fish, fresh tomatoes, eating a little less (generally because I’m less hungry). I try to plan ahead for healthier sweet and salt options so that way I don’t look up and I have ended up noshing through tubs of ice cream and I make plenty of time for my heating pad. This sounds strange but if the pain isn’t too bad I’ll often hop over to YouTube and belly dance or listen to some womb healing music. Something about the belly dancing movement is a self massage for my womb. Lastly, this sounds cliche but I make time to journal. I swear some of the deepest writings that I can’t even believe I’ve written emerge from my hands during that time of the month. Instead of demonizing ourselves for a natural time of the month of our bodies why don’t we cater to our fitness plans to highlight it, plan ahead. Wear silk black panties. Sympathize with our body as she hurts and tell her that we are sorry. Your body is a person, let’s treasure her from head to toe, what do you think Gorgeous? Are you in? Every woman has their secret to who they are.This post was written for all of the women who are coming home to their wings.