7 feminine swimsuit coverups that every woman will love.

Each winter is filled with waiting for the spring and then the spring comes and it always catches me off guard because I want to be in better shape for the beach. Enter the swimsuit coverup. Every women’s lifesaver. You can feel fun, feminine, sexy, and amazing without lifting another weight or having to do anything to your body. No worrying about cellulite and instead instantly transforming into the most incredible woman on the beach. Here on the blog at Underneath Your Lingerie we treat your body as your lingerie, everything from how you dress her to how you talk to her area your accessories. Your body is gorgeous already, so while I started off this post about using swuimsuit coverups to “cover up” not working out, please know that the essence isn’t about that. It’s really coming to terms with all of our feeling and asking our bodies, ok, while we’re working on your final design what would you like to wear today? And this goes from our everyday to day to day to those special beach moments that we have been waiting for all year.

Here are 7 feminine swimsuits that will make every woman feel extra feminine in their skin.

#1. Flowers and lace.
I love the gorgeous flowers on this coverup, it makes the body looks unbelievably delicate and adds a peek of, “Now you see me, and now you don’t!”


#2. Summer fun.

This pineapple swimsuit coverup is designed for the women who is bold with her style and simply enjoys having fun in fashion. Which in the end is what fashion is supposed to be!


#3. Flying in the wind.

Venus makes the most amazing swimsuits. This one stood out to be because it’s gentle and feminine and fun. It allows you to comfortably have the body that you have while also gracing your figure. Imagine walking up the beach and gently feeling the wind on your skin. How amazing would life be?


#4. The Neo Dress Linda

The first step of manifestation is claiming it. This high end coverup from France will feel like a goddess on your skin. As cliche as it sounds, the moment you slip something like this on you will feel like a flower!


#5. A golden crochet dress.

The cuts that are in this coverup are breathtaking!

It highlights your figure – whether curvy or slender in a gorgeous feminine way. This coverup offers an ethereal look – one that Queen Cleopatra


#6. Going animal print.

From high end to low end, cuts are a gorgeous way, along with prints to add style to who you are. Rounded curves are very feminine but at the same time it’s rare to find clothing with a “round” cut out in it which is what makes this swimsuit coverup stand out. Zebra print is fun because animal print always adds that extra bit of “sass” to even the most mild mannered woman in the world.


#7. Bring in the leopard.

This leopard print coverup left me breathless. It looks high end, and the light breathable fabric will make you feel divine! Ever since I learned that leopard print is the sign of royalty I’ve always been partial to it and I absolutely love this look!


Fashion is meant to be fun and you can be fashionable even when you are covered in sand.

Which one of these were your favorite? Comment below and to keep up with fun ways to practice self care with your body sign up for the free 90 day lingerie guide below!

Always remember, your body is your lingerie. The secret to lingerie is all in how you express it. When you wear your lingerie, aka on your body on the beach where her with love!

Transform yourself into lingerie with a free 60-day guide.

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