The Goddesses are elemental expressions of what it means to be a woman…
Elpis is the woman who is “so much woman” inside of her body (I like to use the phrase… “There is so much woman inside of my 5’3’’ frame and I get to be every single inch of her.”
Poma Gira is the woman whose insanely sexy and is very protective of those she loves, strippers, sex workers are often Poma Giras. Think Jennifer Lopez character Ramona in Hustlers.
Oshun is the woman whose body is pure sex. Not in the form sex has been turned into but in the form the purest of innocence into the form of Tyra Banks being a Victoria’s Secret in Wings. The root word that Oshun is derived from means origin. These women are as sweet as honey from the inside out of their bodies and are often found in bad relationships where people take advantage of them because people often “dip their hand into their sweetness “and don’t take their hands back which leads Oshun women separated from their self love deep within.
Aphrodite is the woman with the Samantha Jones walk, where even in those moments where life knocks her off her track she shakes her hips and sashays away.
Laltia is the woman who treats every transformation with in herself delicately and with love. She lives her life from deep within her feminine energy. There is an ancient myth that when when she was in a battle with the demon Banda she built a ring of fire around her and as he threw in sickness, death, hurt she combated it with love, joy, peace. When Lalita was born she was born made from 10,000 feminine universes and the gods jaws dropped on the floor at how beautiful she was. Lalita was a goddess who was very curvy and voluptuous with the most feminine body in the world.
As a woman we have all access to the woman above and many many more. We can also just be one of them (which is the rarest trait of women there are). Neither version is wrong, simply an elemental expression of what it means to be a woman. Welcome to the goddess who has been waiting for you underneath who you are.