A simple way fitness can feel like ice cream.

I feel like sometimes we’ve been taught to think of fitness as some kind of graveyard for fat but what if instead of the doom and gloom of strict rules we would slip into a lingerie dress of freedom instead? For me, I think of fitness as walking a yummy ice cream shop. And I as a woman get to choose the best ice cream flavors in existence. Rocky road. Chocolate chip cookie dough. Mint Chocolate. Reese’s peanut butter cup. Each season get’s a theme, these next two months are my “Reese’s months” etc. Another way to look at it is , fitness is self healing for your body. Just like any self improvement plan that heals elements of your spirit. Some seasons you heal the part of your spirit that tastes like rainbow sherbet and the other seasons you heal the strawberry part of your spirit. Your spirit shows up through your body. So when you sit down and plan out your fitness plan instead of planning it out by body parts plan it out by feelings instead. For example, these next 60 days I want to feel “free” while I workout. And then began working on all the details that will make you feel more free while you workout. Maybe it’s playing party music on the days that you take your progress pictures and pretending that you are having a fashion show in the nude. Maybe it’s giving yourself the freedom to try a new healthy snack of the week and creating an inspirational board of them on interest and removing the pin as your try them. Maybe it’s saying “I’m becoming more luxurious” instead of saying “I’m losing weight” and instead of telling people that your on a plan just shrug it off and say, “Oh baby i’m making my figure more luxurious instead.” Or perhaps keeping it to yourself because sometimes the freedom is found in your secret. You as a woman have many ice cream flavors in your body. Why not wear them as your body, mind, and soul? This post was written for all of the women who are coming home to their wings.  

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